Setting User-Agent in request headers using Faker with python-requests

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Mastering Python requests Sessions for Efficient Web Scraping and API Interaction
Python’s requests library is a powerful tool for interacting with web services and scraping data from websites. While many developers are familiar with making simple GET and POST requests using requests, fewer take full advantage of its session-handling capabilities. The Session object in requests i…

When scraping websites or interacting with web services, setting a custom User-Agent in the request header is essential for several reasons. Some websites block requests with missing or generic User-Agent headers, and sending randomized User-Agents can reduce the chance of your scraper being detected and blocked. In this article, we’ll explore how to use the Faker library in Python to generate random User-Agent headers and how to integrate it with the requests library.


Web scraping is a powerful tool for gathering data from websites, but it comes with ethical and legal responsibilities. While scraping can provide valuable insights for research, business, or personal projects, it is essential to respect a website’s policies and the boundaries it sets through mechanisms like robots.txt. Ignoring these rules can lead to blocked IPs, legal action, and reputational damage. Also, do not scrape private or sensitive data that requires authentication unless explicitly allowed.

Installing the Required Libraries

First, you need to install the Faker library if you don’t have it already:

$ pip install requests faker

The requests library will be used to send HTTP requests, while Faker will help us generate random User-Agent headers.

Generating Random User-Agents with Faker

The Faker library provides the .user_agent() generator method, which can generate realistic User-Agent strings for various browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and more. Here’s how it works:

from faker import Faker

# Create a Faker instance
faker = Faker()

# Generate a random User-Agent
random_user_agent = faker.user_agent()

Each time you call faker.user_agent(), it generates a different User-Agent string. This can be especially useful when you need to send many requests with varying headers.

Setting the User-Agent Header in a Request

You can set User-Agent for each request individually, by using optional parameter headers, like:

from faker import Faker

# Initialize Faker
faker = Faker()

url = ""

# Generate a random User-Agent
headers = {
    'User-Agent': faker.user_agent()

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

You can use the requests.Session() object to persist the User-Agent across multiple requests, or set it individually for each request. Here’s how to integrate it:

import requests
from faker import Faker

# Initialize Faker and Session
faker = Faker()
session = requests.Session()

url = ""

# Set a random User-Agent header for the session
    'User-Agent': faker.user_agent()

# Make a request
response = session.get(url)